How Planet Paaduks Started: Pioneering Indian Footwear Industry

Have you ever paused to consider the environmental footprint of the footwear we wear every day? The staggering waste generated by the industry isn’t just a distant issue, it’s a pressing challenge that impacts our planet deeply. For Amit Jain, our founder, this wasn’t just a fleeting thought; it was a call to action. He recognized the urgent need for change and felt a responsibility to be part of the solution.
The question wasn’t just about making footwear: it was about reimagining the process. How can we ensure that the choices we make today don’t compromise the world we leave behind? These questions became the foundation of Planet Paaduks in the footwear industry, driven by a vision to revolutionize footwear with consciousness at its heart. For Amit, it was never just about fashion—it was about crafting a future we can all be proud of.
The Need
When he dug deep into the fashion industry and did his research on ethical fashion. He found a major setback. Ethical footwear was either not very trending thus not attracting the audience or it was overpriced making its consumer market as tiny as it could be. So now the question arises. How do we create something functional and stylish without leaving a trail of harm behind? But also keeping the entry price as affordable as it can be. The motive was to create a production that remains true to ethics but can be available for a larger audience.
When Amit researched the footwear industry, especially ethical fashion, he uncovered a significant problem. Sustainable footwear either lacked the style and trendiness to attract modern consumers or came with a price tag so high that it alienated most potential buyers. This left ethical footwear in a tough spot—either overlooked or out of reach for the majority.
The challenge was clear: How do we create footwear that is stylish, functional, and sustainable without leaving anyone behind? How do we make conscious conscious fashion available to more people without compromising on values or affordability?
Solution: The Inception of Planet Paaduks
Amit realized the answer wasn’t about choosing between ethics and affordability—it was about combining the two. The goal was clear: to create footwear that upheld ethical values while remaining stylish and accessible to a wider audience. It wasn’t just about reducing harm to the planet; it was about making sustainability a choice available to everyone, not just a privileged few.
This vision became the foundation of Planet Paaduks in the footwear industry, marking the start of a journey to design footwear that is ethical, fashionable, and affordable. Today, our collection caters to both men and women, offering a versatile range of sandals, slides, sneakers, slip-ons, and flip-flops. By using innovative and ethical materials like cork, suede, and corduroy, we craft products that are not only elegant and fashion-forward but also kind to the planet.