Standing All Day at Work? Best Tips for People Who Stand All Day!

How often have you heard that a sedentary lifestyle invites ailments? However, does that mean standing the entire day is good? How long is it advisable to stand? As per research, just like sitting for long hours, standing for a prolonged time is also hazardous to health. It, too, poses health risks which can turn perennial if not rectified in time.
This article is a detailed study of what can happen if you keep standing all day at work. Besides, do not miss essential tips for prolonged standing in the coming sections.
What happens when you stand all day?
Standing the entire day makes gravity work against you. On standing, gravity pulls all other things in your body downwards. While it keeps you anchored to the ground, the blood flows down in speed, affecting poor circulation. Thus it can put a lot of pressure on the body.
Standing for long hours can hurt your feet and legs, leading to swelling and feeling fatigued. On the other hand, it also affects the various systems and organs, ranging from defects in skeletal and lymphatic systems.
Common health issues when you work in a standing position for a long time?
From the early humans to the present day homo sapiens, standing has been the most sought posture. However, it is not a hazard that highly depends on how long you have been standing. Some of the common issues that may pop up on standing for a long time include:
- Lower back pain
- Stiffness in the neck and shoulders
- Varicose Veins
- Muscular Fatigue
- Swelling of the legs
- Sore Feet
- Heel pain
Besides, it can also lead to musculoskeletal injuries and chronic health ailments.
How many hours is healthy to stand a day?
As per health experts and researchers, standing for about 15 minutes an hour is recommended. On the other hand, as per professors at the University of Waterloo who researched health hazards and benefits of standing, standing for at least 30 minutes per hour is beneficial for health.
On the other hand, as per scientists at Curtin University Australia, standing for 2 hours and more while working can eventually lead to increased discomfort in the body and reduced mental state. Thus standing for over 30 minutes to 1 hour is too long, leading to health hazards.
Is standing healthier than sitting?
Standing is better compared to sitting. However, neither of the two is recommended. It ultimately depends on how long you keep sitting or standing. Striking the correct balance between the activities is the crux.
Most conversations at work happen while sitting. However, it is witnessed that most workers in the production line and bank tellers spend hours standing. Sitting for long hours can strain and weaken your legs, cause hip issues, and develop varicose veins in extreme conditions.
While standing for prolonged hours, over 8 hours without movement, can lead to issues in your leg muscles, veins and tendons.
Sitting vs Standing at Work
Does your work call for standing or sitting for long hours? Let us find out the pros and cons of sitting and standing.
Effects of Sitting
It has to be noted that sitting itself is not an issue. The problem is how long you keep sitting and the posture of sitting. The hours you spend sedentary highlight the lack of exercise and movement. Let us look at the pros and cons of sitting.
Good impacts of sitting
- It helps in maintaining a good posture
- It is healthy for the back and spine preventing strain on muscles
Bad impact of sitting
- It strains the larger muscles in the legs and weakens it
- It might develop blood clots caused due to Varicose veins
- It shortens the flexor muscles in the hip leading to hip issues
- Poor posture sitting causes lower back issues damaging the soft tissues and discs
Use a strong office chair and pay attention to your posture to prevent any strain on your spine and muscles.
Effects of Standing
Standing without any movement or walking around is hazardous. It also poses health risks affecting bodily functions.
Good Impacts of Standing
- Standing for a minute or two after prolonged hours of sitting is beneficial in improving circulation
- It enables the heart to beat faster and fills the lungs too
- It releases any pressure on the back
- It provides rest to your eyes
- It also allows the leg muscles and joints to allow some movement
- Studies shows that, standing burn more calories compared to sitting
Bad Impact of Standing
- Standing in one position for prolonged hours leads to issues in leg muscles and tendons.
- It leads to chronic venous insufficiency
- It can cause lower back pain and fatigue
As per research, standing for 15 to 30 minutes is considered healthy. Besides, moving and walking while standing is advantageous.
Best Tips for the People Who Stand All Day!
- Keep changing your position regularly : If you are standing stationary for a prolonged time, you must keep changing your position often. That does not mean you should keep moving constantly, but changing your moving position will redistribute the body’s weight, enabling healthy circulation.
- Stretch your body whenever possible : Periodic breaks are most recommended to resist strain on your legs. A small break or stretches will boost circulation and refresh your muscles from tightening.
- Roll your feet when at home : When at home, do not forget to roll your feet. You can use a stress or tennis ball to move your feet. For instance, place the ball below your foot and roll backwards and forwards, easing the pressure on your toes and foot.
- Wear comfortable footwear : Choose a comfortable shoe that will support your body when you stand. It is not compulsory to wear an orthopedic shoe; instead, wear any comfortable footwear. Paaduks is known for providing the best vegan leather footwear that is comfortable and easy on your feet. It has an 8mm insole that provides relaxation for your foot and absorbs shocks. Made of upcycled waste rubber it is the best footwear that can absorb shocks and thereby relieve sore foot issues.
- However, there is no scientific backing that proves that a thicker insole bed which is 8mm, can provide more comfort when standing without straining the leg muscles. Here are a few points to consider when choosing comfy footwear. It includes:
- That is flexible around the midsole
- The heels should be lower than 5 cm
- It should be able to cushion your feet and absorb shocks
- Allows your toes to move
- A deep heel cup provides grip to your heels
- Walk while talking on a call : Walking during a call will enable you to move and shake your leg a little without the need to stand for a long time.
- Avoid standing on a concrete or metal surface : Standing on wooden floors or rubber helps absorb shocks and supports your joints and bones. Besides, if you find it difficult to stand on a cork or rubber, get an anti-fatigue mat that will provide a soft surface for your foot when standing stationary.
- Stretch and exercise : Exercise and stretching is the best way to ensure circulation is not hindered. Strength training and a few stretching exercises will strengthen your muscles and provide comfort after long hours of standing.
- Visit a Chiropractor : If you are experiencing strain on your legs due to standing for long hours, visiting a chiropractor is beneficial. They are experts in muscle, nerves and skeletal systems and suggest appropriate treatments for relaxing your muscles.
Best Exercises for People Who Stand at Work:
So you find it strenuous to keep standing for hours together? A few exercises can help you comfort your leg. These exercises will help in improving your circulation to feel better. These include:
Backward lunges
Stand straight with your hands on the hips. Now take a long step backwards, landing on the ball of the foot. Bend your knee a little and keep your back straight and look ahead. Now return to the standing position. Repeat this with the other leg.
- Stand straight and keep your feet shoulder wide
- Look ahead
- Now lower into a squat like you are sitting in a chair
- Stay in the pose for 2 seconds and slowly come back to the standing position
- Do not lean forward or extend your knees beyond your toes
- Repeat it 10 to 20 times
One-leg pick up
- Place a small object on the floor
- Lift one foot from the floor and bend to pick the object
- Straighten your back and do not suspend your foot to touch the floor
- Bend again to place the object on the floor without touching the foot
- Repeat the process 10 to 12 times, switching your legs
Some of the other exercises that will benefit you include:
- Leg stretches
- Shoulder stretches
- Head and shoulder stretches and cycling
Standing for a long time at work without moving can be quite a task. It will not only make you feel fatigued but also affect the blood circulation to your leg. Comfortable footwear that provides grip to your insole will help relax the muscles. In addition, indulging in a few exercises like stretching or rolling the feet will boost circulation and energize you throughout the work.